Sunday, 18 November 2012



22 pieces + 1/2 cream cracker biscuits
200g minced meat
11/2 tablespoons curry powder
150 g  diced onion
2 red onion *
2 cloves garlic *
1 cm ginger (finely ground *)
150 ml milk + 200 ml coconut milk
1/2 cup water
11/2 tablespoons cooking oil
3 red chillies, sliced ​​(can reduce)
sprigs of  fresh parsley, finely chopped
3 eggs, slightly beaten
2 tablespoons butter
Salt, pepper and a little sugar

1. Heat oil in a large skillet and fry the finely ground spices until fragrant,

2. Add ground beef, stir and pour water, stir well. When dry put onion, salt, pepper and a little sugar. Saute the meat on medium heat until browned.
  Set aside.

3.  Spray pan with nonstick spray or line pan with aluminium foil and spread with butter and rub the sides of the pan too.  Take 7 pieces of biscuits and cut into two (with similar size) + 1/2 slice = 15 parts altogether.

4. Soak briefly 3 pieces (full size) biscuits +  another 3 pieces (1/2 size) biscuits into a mixture of milk + coconut milk and lay the biscuits onto a baking  pan.

5. Spoon 1/5 of the meat mixture on the top of the biscuits and pour with 1/5 of egg. Do the same method on each layer.
6. For the final layer , pour the remaining egg, milk mixture on top of the biscuits.
7.Spoon the butter over it and bake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 200C for 45 minutes or until cooked. Allow to cool before being released from the pan.


22 keping + 1/2 keping biskut cream cracker
200g daging cincang
11/2 camca besar rempah kari daging
150 g bawang besar yang telah didadu
2 biji bawang merah*
2 ulas bawang putih*
1 cm halia (*dikisar halus)
150 ml susu cair + 200 ml santan
1/2 cawan air
11/2 camca besar minyak masak
3 biji cili merah, dihiris (boleh kurangkan)
3 tangkai daun sup, di hiris
3 biji telur, dipukul sedikit
2 camca besar mentega
Garam, serbuk lada sulah dan sedikit gula



1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bahan kisar halus dan rempah hingga harum.

2. Masukkan daging, kacau rata dan tuang air, kacau rata. Bila kering masukkan bawang besar, garam, lada sulah dan sedikit gula. Kacau hingga bawang layu.


1. Alas dasar tin dengan aluminium foil, sapu dengan mentega, sapu juga bahagian tepi tin. Ambil 7 keping biskut dan kerat dua (biar sama besar) + dengan 1/2 keping = 15 bahagian.

2. Rendam sekejap 3 keping biskut + 3 keping biskut yang 1/2 bahagian tadi dalam bancuhan susu + santan dan susun pada dasar tin.

3. Masukkan 1/5 bahan no. 1, rata dan curah sedikit telur tadi (anggaran 1/5 juga). Buat kaedah yang sama untuk baki biskut  dan no. 1 juga telur.

4. Untuk lapisan terakhir, jika ada lebihan telur, bancuh dgnan bahan susu + santan, kacau rata dan tuang atas biskut tadi hingga rata.

5. Sudukan mentega atasnya dan bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 200C selama 45 minit atau hingga masak.  Biarkan sejuk sebelum dikeluarkan dari acuan.

Recipe courtesy of ' Resepi Bonda via Facebook'
Original Recipe + Picture courtesy of 'Dapur Tanpa Sempadan' -


How possible a person could lose her weight in a short span of time especially someone like me who is eager to look good for my graduation day on this coming December ? Duhhhhhh....worst still even my baju kurung specially made for that day does not fit me at all :(

I have to admit that I do have excess weight that I carry in my body and I have already tried a number of ways of relieving myself  of those extra pounds , but to varying degrees of success.

I've been spending and wasting my money to try out all sort of slimming products (you just name it!) and I've been following one of slimming programs from a beauty centre and all these are a major flop for doesn't work at all because I have a big 

Now my mission is to do regular exercise like brisk walk or jog during my free time and atleast 3 times a week I join aerobic classes plus to control my appetite as well.

To look super slim with a model figure (my long term goal perhaps??...huhu) for my graduation day is quite impossible but I'll be more than happy if I could wear that 'baju kurung' which I suppose to wear on that day or should I buy the new one, I will tell you the result...just stay tuned :) 


Monday, 12 November 2012


When I came to the office this morning wearing a black blouse with a black pant and blue shoes , I was told that my office mate who just came from holiday bought me a blouse. Infact 3 of my colleagues including myself have the same blouse with different colours to choose from. I was trying to avoid purple colour all this while simply because that colour has dominated my wardrobe so far. I admired the green colour but too bad it was already taken by our tea lady. I had no choice but to take the blue colour but it was okay to me since I was wearing a blue skechers.   I was delighted that I've received that prezzie early in the morning. I love surprises. Tell me who would'nt? :P
While the others were busy talking I wanted to try that blouse whether it fits me or not and didn't want to take it off after trying. So I decided to wear it and took my old black blouse into my bag.  I've got a 'whoa' remark from office colleagues when they saw me wearing that new how spontaneous I could be???

Infact that's how I show my gratitude and appreciation to any giver and I don't mind at all if the gift is small or inexpensive , comes in whatever form or size because to me 
most importantly it's the 'thought' that really counts! :) 

Of course I would love people to give me the same reaction when I give something to them. Well atleast show a little bit of appreciation. No need a little drama like what exactly I'm doing even if you want to be dramatic enough harm done right?
I just don't get it when people simply put aside the gift and ignore it as if they don't appreciate it, merely because it isn't a 'branded' thing, no 'Thank you' remark after receiving it..nothing. 
You can be a branded conscious person but please bear in mind don't ever exaggerate especially when receiving a gift with no brand name on it! You can piss someone off by doing so.
To me this kind of people are selfish, insensitive and plain ignorant! If I receive that kind of remark from any one , I swear god that would be first and the last I give any thing to that person!  I might tell him/her off my dissatisfaction right away.  Hehe as if I dare to do so! hey I'm a bit too much of a softie I guess :P
Well enough said, I don't have to mumble much on this matter.

So here I am camwhoring with my new blue blouse :)  

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Wealthy Cameron Diaz Remains Down-To-Earth

Do you recognize this beautiful lass? I'm pretty sure atleast half of the universe knows I right? Ke aku seorang aje yang kenal dia? tapi yang pasti dia tak kenal aku ...kuang kuang kuang.  She is none other than CAMERON DIAZ...hehe.

She's my favourite actress and I love watching her movies such as Charlie's Angels and her other romantic-comedy movies. 

This morning I read about her on the newspaper and I was surprised (tapi taklah sampai terbonjol keluar biji mata kan) to find out that she cleans her own toilet despite her being one of the rich and famous hollywood superstars!

I was thinking ...what if I share this article on my blog because her story is so inspiring. Perhaps It can inspire others the similar way i'm being inspired by her ...semangat tau baca kisah dia ni lepas ni I kenalah semakin rajin cuci toilet sendiri biar sampai berkilat...hahaha :P

Actually I like the way she reminds herself every time she does something that she feels so wrong :) infact that triggered me to put this article on my blog!

Here goes the article....

Cameron Diaz cleans her own toilet

Cameron Diaz still cleans her own toilet.
The 40-year-old actress - who earns a reported $20 million per movie - insists she has remained down-to-earth despite her vast wealth.

She said: ''I think your foundation is your foundation. I work as hard as it takes. That's the essence of who I am. ''So for me, I'm not thinking, 'Hmm, what is it like to do that?' I already know.
''And I'll jump into it at any time. I can scrub my own toilet. And I can scrub it against the best scrubbers of toilets. We can do a scrub-off!''

The 'Gambit' actress has never gone off the rails because she insists wild partying or drug taking never seemed ''interesting'' to her.  She told the new issue of Britain's Esquire magazine: ''It just wasn't interesting for me. There's more I want out of life.

''Not to say I didn't go through my phases, but any time I was in danger of any of that, I was like, 'Come on Cameron, that's not who you are.' There's so much to gain by not doing that stuff.'' (C) BANG Media International.

Credit to:

Dah mula rasa bersemangat ke selepas baca artikel ni?? Jangan pulak hanya semangat 'Hot Hot Chicken Shit'...LOL




I've tried this recipe once when my friend, Marla came from Miri and gave me a surprise call. Within 1 hour I managed to cook 5 recipes including this ayam dendeng and invited her for dinner.  
It's very delicious...indeed :)

  • One whole chicken - cut into 12 pieces
  • 100 gm of shallot chips (in other words, fried onions or bawang goreng in Bahasa Malaysia)
  • 2 cubes of gula melaka (substitute with 2 tbspoon of gula apong ~ you can only find it in Sarawak /or u may use brown sugar)
  • 2 tablespoons of tamarind juice
  • salt
  • sugar
  • oil to cook
  • 5 pieces of dried chillies, soaked in hot water for 10-20 minutes, then blend.
  • 10 shallots, blend
  • 2 inches ginger, blend
  • 3 garlics, blend
  • 5 cardamoms,
  • 3 cinnamon,
  • 3 star anise,
  • 5 cloves,
- Prepare all the ingredients for blending and blend ingredients together until smooth.


  1. Deep fry  chicken in a very hot oil until 80% done. dish out and set aside. (well I'd prefer to season the chicken with a pinch of salt and tumeric powder to give a taste  before deep frying :)
  2. Heat up a wok and add  2 tablespoons of oil.  Toss in cardamoms, cinnamon, star anise and cloves and add all the blended ingredients and stir constantly until aromatic. 
  3. Add tamarind juice and gula melaka/gula apong/brown sugar. Stir again and add salt and sugar to taste.
  4. Add fried chicken and cook well (until a little bit dry) and finishing with shallot chips/fried onions/bawang goreng.  Serve immediately.

Happy Cooking peeps!!!! :)


Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Welcome to My Decent World...eleh decent ke???? :D

Testing 1,2,3.....and drum roll please :)

Thank you everyone for your visit in this very humble blog of mine (if any). Eh ada ke visitor? hehehe

Looking at the title 'finding grace in a world of temptation' ..I would like to clarify that this blog is not about religious issue as I don't think that I'm the righteous person to talk about it...hehehe of course I'm not holier than thou, I'm no better than others :P

I chose it due to the fact that the title is relatively intriguing in a sense that we need to remind ourself all the time that whatever the temptations we may have especially when it is beyond our reach, nama pun wanita kan selalu kalah melawan godaan. Macam-macam aje godaan dengan kasut lah , handbag lah, makanan lah (hahaha yg ni saya mengaku selalu kalah... uiqs) dan macam-macam lagi lah.

Although I know It's kinda hard to resist our own temptation, but we have to find ways to slow it down, always make sure we keep our feet on the ground while reaching for the stars ...don't you agree? :P

I was actually still in a state of 'shock' when a 37 years old woman who used to own a child care center in my neighborhood (just a few minutes walking distance from my house) has just pleaded guilty to 29 charges of credit card fraud..SubhanaAllah this is what I'm talking about ...a good example of how important for us finding grace when it comes down to temptation. Janganlah sampai berbuat sesuatu yang terlampau sehingga tak terjangkau oleh tangan sanggup pulak nak menipu atau mencuri...kan??? tak baik tau!!! 

Therefore you better not do something that can lead you to an utter disgrace. Always be humble, be grateful & bersyukur pada apa yang ada...alamak feeling ustazah pulak dah ...bluwekk hehehe

Well the real reason I create this blog because I would love to share recipes to the readers especially my friends as I believe that 'sharing is caring' and it is part of our amal jariah bila kita panjangkan ilmu kita...tak gitu? 

Speaking of temptation....tell me how tempted are you when seeing this cookies???...heheh enjoy!
