Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough Break-Up!

Guess what??? Ryan Seacrest is now back on the market , so does Julianne Hough! Although I'm a big fan of them both especially Seacrest that doesn't mean I'm happy to hear the break up news of my two favourite celebrities. Knowing Seacrest is now a single man does not mean that I have a better chance  that one day he could be mine...what a stupid idea hahahaha :P :P :P

Some people have questioned seacrest's sex orientation for all this while until he took Julianne as his girlfriend. Even until now they thought the two of them made use of each other.  It doesn't surprise me if  gay people have the same hopeful for Ryan that someday he will come out of the closet just like Ricky Martin...Oh No! whatever the speculation,  I hope he's straight and remain as one!

It's kinda sad to see two beautiful people growing apart as I thought they were cute together. Reportedly, both are workaholics and their busy schedules caused for strain in the love department. But the actual fact, was due to Age difference!

Apparently 24-year-old Hough's young and lively lifestyle bothered the older, more settled Seacrest, 38, until he could no longer take it. Ryan tried his best to keep up with Julianne but in the end he just couldn't. 
He's older, already established and set in his ways, and he was getting tired of telling her to lay off the alcohol and stop overindulging. They constantly fought because he wanted her to slow down and she wanted him to lighten up and enjoy life more.  

p/s Ryan, next time go find a mature woman :D

Sad news ...aren't they look beautiful together??? :'(

[Note:  This post was originally published on 27 March 2013 under "Just any random topic" but I had to split them into two different labels. Sorry for any inconvenience caused]


  1. Sure i'd love to visit your blog ...thanks :)

  2. Gosh that is sad...would you like to see my blog and perhaps follow? xx

  3. Hi Fergie, I guess I'm not much of a follower of Hollywood celebrities, I stopped reading the papers since retiring from the rat race. As well have not stepped into a cinema ages!
    I guess I am more familiar with actors, actresses of Gregory Peck, Rock Hudson, John Wayne....and those actors don't fool around so much as today's young actors.
    Have a nice weekend, and keep a song in your heart.

  4. NET-A-DRESSER I'd surely follow ur blog. Thanks for dropping by :)

  5. Hello Uncle Lee,

    I'm a big fan of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe and some of old movies like "Splendour in the grass" , "Gidget", "Rebel without a cause" and I knew Rock Hudson when he appeared on Dynasty. I remember watching "Dynasty" and "Dallas" with my mom when I was a tween :) and still can recall some characters like JR Ewing and Alexis Carrington. Those were 2 strong characters which you could hardly find in any movie nowadays. How I wish any Hollywood producer could produce something quite similar or even better than "Dynasty" and "Dallas" to watch!

  6. Hi Fergie, I was reading your posting, 'the fear of losing someone'.
    By coincidence I just posted a similar posting too. Losing someone.
    You have a fun weekend and keep a song in your heart.

  7. wow...uncle lee how did you manage to find my other 'blog' on tumblr account??? It was an old post during my difficult time facing the 'shocking' news that my dad had prostate but after he underwent surgery everything seems to be fine...thanks for reading that post :)
