Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Beautiful Disaster

Maybe this is an old news but I had recently talked about plastic surgery with my sister and my cousin. We were trying to compare the outcome of those people who have gone through under the knife and who have a better result between  The Koreans VS The Americans.

To be frank I found the plastic surgeons in Korea produced a better result than those of the beauty surgeons in America.
I found those american women who wanted to enhance their beauty infact became uglier after the plastic surgery session...hahaha meanwhile it was the other way around for those koreans....ooppsss
This is merely based on my personal opinion so please don't sue me for this statement '__'

Her pouty lips supposed to look sexy but it's kinda weird & so scary

Miss Korea 2012 before and after plastic surgery pictures

The most shocking and bizzare news in regards of this plastic surgery issue happened in China when one chinese man recently divorced and sued his wife for being ugly and court agreed by awarding him £75,000.  Jian Feng was shocked and  confused after his wife gave birth to an 'incredibly ugly' baby. At first he accused her of cheating because the baby didn't resemble either one of them.  At last the wife admitted to spending around £62,000 on plastic surgery in South Korea which had altered her appearance drastically before she got married.  He then claimed she got him to marry her under false pretenses.

The before and after pictures seem like it was money well spent except that it ended up costing this woman her marriage!!!

Hello woman! you can make yourself more aesthetically appealing but you still carry the 'real you' gene to pass it on your child :D

Emm...something wrong somewhere???

Okay..let's go to Korea and have a plastic surgery...haha just kidding!

Well ..I may not be perfect and pretty but so far I'm comfortable in my own skin. I'd love to be more natural and I'd prefer to grow old gracefully.  I do hope someone is willing to take me for who I am :)

p/s Take me or leave me, the pleasure is all yours :P

- the end -


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